Bakery and Café Maria Theresia

Lebensmittel für sozial Benachteiligte und regional hergestellte Produktverpackungen

Innovative Backkunstwerke für jeden Anlass sowie zwei Kaffeehäuser für Gäste und Via-Sacra-Pilger als Ortszentrum für geselliges Beisammensein zeichnen den Betrieb aus. Das soziale Engagement wird nun durch konkrete Aktionen für Bedürftige und in Zusammenarbeit mit Sozialen Einrichtungen verstärkt.

Beim ersten Beratungsgespräch im Cafe Maria-Theresia wurden folgende Themen behandelt: Weitergabe von Lebensmitteln an Bedürftige, mögliche Nutzung von Dienstleistungen (etwa Transport oder Grünraumpflege) von Sozialbetrieben, und neue Verpackungen für Produkte oder Geschenkkörbe.


Die Weitergabe von Lebensmitteln an ... read more »

Frisch & Frost Food GmbH

“Food is valuable“, and its value cannot be determined only through the market price to be achieved. This is the conviction of management and staff of the Frisch & Frost company, Austria’s leading producer of first-class potato, sweet dish, dough, and strudel products. It is impossible in our times, which are shaped by variety and rich offers, to avoid completely that products have to be returned to the enterprise on the market. Together with the consulting team of KOMUNITAS OG and SAM Lower Austria, a solution has ... read more »


Using instead of throwing away – the “regional computer cycle”

The IMC company at Waidhofen/Ybbs and their Director Thomas Knapp have developed a project together with KOMUNITAS OG, which increases the useful life of computers through regional cycle management. The small model implemented for the present gave birth to the idea for a regional and possibly even Lower Austrian follow-up project.

In case of computers and peripheral devices used especially in economic enterprises, the (technical) useful life is considerably higher than the ... read more »

Printer’s shop Janetschek GmbH

How dated calendars turn into envelopes, and empty paint cans into flower pots

Even the most environment-friendly printer’s shop (and to whom might this term apply, if not to Janetschek GmbH) produce a large quantitiy of various kinds of waste in the course of printing processes. Used paper, wood and hard fibre boards, bright colourful paint cans and much more was found by the consulting team of KOMUNITAS OG, but also the wish was expressed to develop new products out of waste material. Some rounds of brainstorming and deliberation ... read more »

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Leuchttürme: 21.Nov.2012 Teilen Share on Google+